Hair Transplant in Karachi

hair transplant


(Before/After 6 Months)

Hair Transplant in Karachi

Before After Hair Transplant Video Reviews

Hair Transplant Methods:

There are multiple techniques involved in Hair Transplant .i.e.

FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT: is the most latest technique of hair transplant in which hair follicles are extracted from the donor area & inserted into the recipient area / bald area. Its a painless procedure. This practice is being done at Hash Clinics.
FUT HAIR TRANSPLANT: is the old hair transplant technique in which surgeon cuts skin of donor area and placed into the area of bald area. It is painful procedure & recovery time is a lot. This practice is not being done at HASH CLINICS.

Steps of Hair Transplant?

hair transplant steps

FUE is a popular method for hair transplantation, and here are the key steps when you come for hair transplant at Hash Clinics:

  1. Consultation:
    • The first step is consultation with hair transplant surgeon. During this meeting, the doctor assesses your hair loss, discusses your expectations, and determines if you are a suitable candidate for FUE.
  2. Designing the Hairline:
    • The doctor works with you to design a natural and aesthetically pleasing hairline. This hairline design is customized to your facial features and preferences.
  3. Donor Area Preparation:
    • The donor area, typically the back or sides of your scalp, is shaved to expose the hair follicles. These follicles are resistant to hair loss and serve as the source of grafts for transplantation.
  4. Local Anesthesia:
    • Local anesthesia is administered to numb both the donor and recipient areas of the scalp, ensuring that you remain comfortable throughout the procedure.
  5. Graft Extraction:
    • The FUE technique involves the extraction of individual hair follicular units using a specialized punch-like instrument. Each graft is carefully removed one at a time, leaving tiny, almost invisible puncture wounds.
  6. Graft Preparation:
    • The harvested grafts are trimmed and prepared for transplantation. The surgeon ensures that they are handled with care to maintain their viability.
  7. Recipient Site Creation:
    • Small, precise incisions are made in the recipient area following the pre-designed hairline. The surgeon creates these recipient sites in a way that mimics the natural hair growth pattern.
  8. Graft Implantation:
    • Graft are then carefully placed into the recipient area. The surgeon pays close attention to the angle, direction, and density of the implanted hair to achieve a natural look.
  9. Post-Procedure Care:
    • Once all the grafts are transplanted, the surgeon may provide instructions for post-procedure care. This typically includes recommendations for cleaning the transplant area, avoiding strenuous activities, and using medications to prevent infection or inflammation.
  10. Healing and Recovery:
    • Over the following days and weeks, the transplanted hair grafts will gradually settle and start to grow. Some hair shedding is common before new hair begins to regrow.
  11. Follow-up Visits:
    • You'll have follow-up visits with your surgeon to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.
  12. Enjoying Your New Hair:
    • Over the course of several months, the transplanted hair will grow, and you will start to enjoy a fuller head of hair with natural-looking results.
Remember that the success of your FUE hair transplant procedure depends on both the surgeon's expertise and your dedication to adhering to post-operative care instructions. Always consult with a qualified and reputable hair transplant specialist to explore your specific options and needs.

Price/Cost of Hair Transplant in 2024 Karachi

hair transplant price

Pricing totally depends on number of grafts required in a hair transplant surgery to cover complete head of the patient.
At Hash Clinics, It costs you around Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 120,000 for a hair transplant surgery on an average. It may go up if a patient recipient area is more exposed, or in simple words he is too much bald then pricing differs as it takes more number of hair grafts to be transplanted. For detailed explanation on cost, please visit Hair Transplant Cost in Karachi.

Pre-Hair Transplant Surgery Guidelines:
  • Patients must have medical reports cleared, including CBC, PT/APTT, HBS AG, ANTI HCV, HIV. If the patient is above 40 years of age, an ECG is also required.
  • Patients must stop alcohol or smoking one week prior to the hair transplant.
  • Patients should take 1mg of Augmentin the day before the hair transplant and also 1mg of Augmentin on the day of the hair transplant.
  • Patients should have a light breakfast before the hair transplant surgery.
  • Patients should not drink tea on the day of the hair transplant.
Post Hair Transplant Surgery Guidelines:

We take intense care of our patients even after hair transplantation.

  • After 48 hours of hair transplant completion, we do head wash & teach patient to do headwash by himself/herself.
  • Patient is not allowed to wear helmet after hair transplant till 10-15 days.
  • Patient is not allowed to lean on head for 2-3 days of hair transplant.
  • Patient is not allowed to fast on the day of hair transplant & after 2 days of hair transplant.
  • We call patient after 1 month follow up, 3 month follow up, 6 month follow up & 1 year follow up.
hair transplant after care

How Much Time it is Required After Hair Transplant to Show up Proper Results?

Around 6 months are required after hair transplant for proper results.

Best FUE Hair Transplant in Karachi

Hash Clinics offers best FUE hair transplant & the reasons are explained below:

  1. Experienced and Highly Skilled Surgeons:
    • At HASH CLINICS, we are proud to have a team of experienced, board-certified surgeons who specialize in FUE hair transplants. Our surgeons have performed numerous successful procedures and are known for their expertise in creating natural and aesthetically pleasing results.
  2. State-of-the-Art Technology:
    • We use the latest and most advanced FUE technology and equipment to ensure precision and minimize discomfort during the procedure. Our commitment to staying updated with technological advancements sets us apart.
  3. Personalized Hairline Design:
    • We understand that every patient is unique. Our skilled surgeons work closely with you to design a personalized and natural-looking hairline that complements your facial features and meets your expectations.
  4. Natural-Looking Results:
    • Our meticulous approach to graft extraction and implantation ensures that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with your existing hair. We pay attention to the angle, direction, and density of implanted grafts to achieve results that look completely natural.
  5. Minimally Invasive Procedure:
    • FUE is known for its minimally invasive nature, and our clinic is at the forefront of providing this technique. The process involves individual follicular unit extraction, leaving virtually undetectable puncture wounds.
  6. Quick Healing and Recovery:
    • Patients who choose HASH CLINICS for their FUE hair transplant can expect a quicker recovery period compared to other methods. After few days, Hair Transplant Patients can resume regular activities.
  7. Customized Treatment Plans:
    • We believe in personalized care. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs, ensuring the best possible results.
  8. Painless Procedure:
    • Our highly skilled surgeons ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure by using local anesthesia. You can rest assured that the entire process is virtually painless.
  9. Strict Hygiene and Safety Standards:
    • Patient safety is our utmost priority. We maintain strict hygiene and safety standards to minimize the risk of infection or complications.
  10. Comprehensive Consultations:
    • We offer thorough consultations where our experts discuss your hair loss concerns, answer all your questions, and set realistic expectations.
  11. Post-Procedure Care and Follow-Up:
    • HASH CLINICS doesn't just stop at the procedure. We provide detailed post-operative care instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any concerns.
  12. Proven Track Record:
    • Our clinic has a proven track record of successful FUE hair transplants. Many of our satisfied patients have experienced life-changing transformations, regaining their self-confidence.
  13. Competitive Pricing:
    • We believe that high-quality hair transplants should be accessible. HASH CLINICS offers competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of care and results.
  14. Excellent Patient Reviews:
    • The best testament to our expertise is the glowing reviews and testimonials from our happy patients. We take pride in the trust and satisfaction our patients express.
  15. Inclusive Aftercare:
    • HASH CLINICS is committed to your long-term satisfaction. Our aftercare services provide guidance on maintaining your transplanted hair for the years to come.
Hair Transplant Success Story
Patient Asad - Testimonial

My name is Colonel Asad Rasheed. I have been in Karachi for two years. For the past two years, I have been facing severe hair fall for which I went to different places and consulted other doctors for its treatment, but I could not find satisfactory treatment anywhere. Then finally, somebody recommended me to HASH Clinics, so I visited the place and consulted the hair transplant doctors here at HASH Clinics.
The doctor guided me properly with the details regarding my condition and the hair transplant process. They taught me properly about the FUE Hair Treatment. I was delighted and decided to have a Hair Transplant treatment from HASH Clinics.
The Doctors & Facilities at HASH Clinics were state-of-the-art and high-tech. The Expert doctors carried out my Hair Transplant very professionally and without any cuts or stitches. The whole process was entirely painless and was up to my entire satisfaction. After seeing a massive difference in my personality after my hair transplant from HASH Clinics, I was delighted. I must say they are providing the best Hair transplant services in Karachi
I am very much satisfied with my treatment and the results of the Hair Transplant. HASH Clinics is the best hair transplant treatment center in Karachi, and I would recommend everyone visit HASH Clinics and carry out their hair transplant procedure. They are Experts in doing FUE and hair treatments. The way they treat you will satisfy you entirely, and you will enjoy your visit and procedures. The best Hair Transplant in Karachi.


HASH Clinics charges around 70,000 to 120,000 per graft hair transplant in average. Usually, it takes 2000-3000 grafts on average for mens hair transplant. Call us directly on the following number to meet our doctors so that they can provide & calculate the cost of a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant is known as clean treatment and have no side effects at all if properly followed by the surgeon. There are certain checkup tests & precautions that has to be taken before getting a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant is a procedure in which natural hair are transplanted. So, Once hair follicles establish themselves they will last forever.

Its a safe surgery if done under proper supervision of a plastic surgeon & in a sterrile enviornment.

Its a painless procedure as its done under local anesthesia. However, post hair transplant surgery can cause some swelling.

Hair Transplant is best & recommended at 25 years of age. But it can be done on anyone from Age 18 years & above.

Islamic Scholar Sheikh Mohammed Bin Al-Uthaymeen Qouted, “Yes, hair transplant is acceptable because it falls under the category of restoring what Allah created or fixing a flaw.” It does not fall within the cosmetic operations category or enhance what Allah has created.

Patients with active HIV, Cicatricial alopecia or other medical complications like heart diseases, kidney or liver failure.

Yes you can pray namaz but on sitting position for 14 days post hair transplant. After 14 days you can pray normally.

After first 14 days of post hair transplant, you are advised not to wear helmet or cap. After 1 week, you can wear hat but not for so long.

If you are getting less than 1500 grafts transplanted on your head then you donot need to shave full head.

Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 95,000 at Hash Clinics.

Rs. 130,000 to Rs. 150,000 at Hash Clinics.

Hash Clinics is the best hair transplant center in Pakistan as hair transplant surgery is done under supervision of plastic surgeon and its hair transplant technicians have more than 2 decades of experience with FUE hair transplant.

Around Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 45,000 at Hash Clinics.

Around Rs. 65,000 to Rs. 75,000 at Hash Clinics.

2000 grafts can have around 4000-8000 grafts as there are 2,3 or 4 hair in a single graft.

If donor hair graft is removed then it will not grow back. But in hair transplant, hair graft are extracted professionally that donor area remains fine.

It is unlikely for harvested hair to fall again, but it does one can use minoxidill or other medicine to stop it.

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Contact & Address Details

130-C, DHA Phase 1, Near Tooba Masjid, B-Commercial Area, Karachi.


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PHONE: 0330-3412233
Skin Care: 0330-3412233
Hair Transplant: 0327-3412233
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